The following document is a user manual for [INSERT YOUR NAME]
. It provides more information about how I work as a professional and human being, my values and my expectations towards others. Hopefully, it helps you understand me better and collaborate in a more impactful way.
Also, this document is a constant work in progress. I will update it regularly and would appreciate your feedback: [ADD YOUR EMAIL]
This section is dedicated to your assumptions and beliefs regarding any collaborative setting. Provide some additional information on your points so others can understand your definitions.
For example:
Here, you can provide more context around your expectations towards your fellow team members. Note that the best expectations are the ones that also work towards yourself.
For example:
This is where you can make your values (e.g. honesty, empathy) transparent.
Describe your needs to work most effectively and how people should approach you. Be specific.
Maybe the hardest section: Make your quirks known. Are you an introvert? Are there things you really dislike while working? What makes you react irrationally?
<aside> ⚠️ You may use and adapt for your own purposes, as long as you share it under the same license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).